6 Benefits Of Orange Citrus Oil For Your Hair

Essential oils are the entire craze this year and are only rising in popularity even more. The benefits that essential oils have for your body are wonderful - and they all serve different purposes.

One of the most recent essential oil favorites is using orange citrus oil for your hair. Citrus, in general, has great benefits for your body. It is antiseptic and benefits your kidneys and skin elasticity. 

What Is Orange Citrus Oil?

Orange Citrus oil is an oil that is most commonly used in aromatherapy and hair treatments. It is made up of the sweet orange plant compounds and has a lovely citrus scent. It helps with problems such as acne, anxiety, colds, flus, constipation, depression, inflammation, and stress. There are many different forms and uses of orange citrus oil, one of which is hair treatment and repair.

How Is Orange Citrus Oil Good For Your Hair?

Among the many benefits of citrus oil, hair replenishing and revamping are some of them. With restorative and hydrating properties, your hair is bound to be thick and beautiful after using orange citrus oil. Its popularity as a hair care product is on the rise and for good reason.

Here are the benefits of using orange citrus oil for your hair:

  1. Fights Off Infections

Citrus oils such as orange citrus can be used to fight the unwanted bacteria in your body. This will not only promote kidney health but will help to balance your body in terms of electrolytes. Through this, it also acts as a preventative measure against dry and dull skin and hair.

  1. Purifies Your Scalp

Citrus oils are a natural anti-inflammatory and can help to reduce blemishes and cuts. Such oils are also good for deodorizing and cleaning the surface of your scalp and can even control the sebum production in your scalp.

  1. Moisturizes Dry Hair

If you suffer from dry or brittle hair, citrus oils can greatly benefit you. With moisturizing properties, your hair will be feeling healthy, smooth, and nourished in no time.

  1. Provides Vitamins To Your Hair

Your hair requires a certain amount of vitamin C to grow and be healthy. Since citrus oils are full of vitamin C, they can help your hair to grow quicker and healthier.

  1. Helps Prevent Hair Loss

If you are worried about hair loss or suffer from hair loss, the elements in citrus oils help to both strengthen your hair roots as well as stimulate hair growth so that you can feel confident with your hair.

  1. Soothes Irritation On Your Scalp

There is nothing worse than an irritated scalp. Citrus oils have anti-inflammatory effects that can soothe the skin on your scalp and give you some relief from the irritation. Citrus oils are also very helpful for issues such as dandruff and other scalp problems.

Looking for 100% all-natural nourishing face and body oils? Check out Earth & Elm Nourishing Face Oil and Earth & Elm Nourishing Body Oil.

Written By:

Abigail Wise is an aspiring teacher, writer, and editor. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Education with an emphasis in Creative Writing as well as working towards her teaching credential. She hopes to receive her Masters of Arts in English as well as go on to be a full-time teacher, writer, and editor.



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